Airport Navigation, Communication, and Radar Systems

Airport Navigation, Communication, and Radar Systems

Airport Navigation, Communication, and Radar Systems

Navigation involves the safe and effective transportation of an aircraft from one location to another and the ability to constantly know its position. Air navigation simply involves directing aircraft to desired locations using locators.

Installed navigation systems generally have high technology and are designed in accordance with international civil aviation standards such as ICAO, DGCA, FAA. These systems are subject to ground and flight checks at regular intervals and go through certification processes.

Radar: Radar is an indispensable radio navigation tool in aviation, especially in air traffic control. The radar system aims to detect the presence and location of the aircraft or any object. The system is based on measuring the return time of the waves sent by the transmitter from the objects and determining the location of the object with this data.

ILS (Instrument Landing System) - Instrument Landing System: ILS is a system that enables the aircraft to land safely at the runway through electronic equipment in bad weather conditions, especially in low cloud cover and poor visibility. . The ILS includes three main systems located on the ground:

  • Localizer
  • Glide Path
  • Markers

DVOR (Doppler VHF Omni-directional Range/Radio) - Direction Determination Device: DVOR is designed to minimize errors caused by signal reflections caused by metal structures and vehicles. It is more sensitive and has less margin of error than other VOR systems.

DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) - Distance Measuring Device: DME is a system that gives pilots the distance between the ground station and the aircraft by broadcasting in the UHF band. It is often used in combination with the VOR, allowing the pilot to receive both direction information and distance simultaneously.

NDB (Non-Directional Beacon) - Non-Directional Radio Transmitter: NDB can be used in air corridors, at airports, or near an airport in combination with ILS or VOR, or even alone. NDB is used in conjunction with DME to provide simple approach assistance.

TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation System) - Tactical Air Navigation System: TACAN is a radio navigation system used only in military aviation and providing direction and distance information to military aircraft. A DME receiver can also receive the signals sent by TACAN and use the distance information.